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时间:2017-06-28  / 编辑:Randy

  根据美国大学理事会最新消息: 根据运行三年的新版AP美国历史考试,教师们提出了一些改革建议。美国大学理事会根据老师们的建议,考虑对AP美国历史、AP世界历史和AP欧洲历史的考试进行一些改革。


  1. 简答题将由4题减为3题,这样给学生增加10分钟回答后面的DBQ和long-essay.

  2. 在DBQ和long essay的systhesis分数将去掉。我的解读:systhesis要求学生结合更远的时期或者其它学科来分析,这个要求在过去三年的运作过程中老师们普遍感觉还是有些模糊,学生也不太容易理解。因此CB考虑去掉也是正常。 3. 在DBQ和long essay的systhesis分数将去掉Periodization。我的解读:periodizaton 要求学生进行历史分期,这个要求我感觉和change的要求重复。也许CB考虑去掉是这个原因。

  4. 评分标准更加简练和具体(可以看下文)

  5. 新版正式评分标准将在8月公布。

  2017-18 AP History Changes

  We’ve made some changes to the three AP history courses for the 2017-18 school year. These changes will not require AP teachers to resubmit their syllabi to the AP Course Audit or attend professional development.

  What’s Changing, and Why

  In summer 2016, we asked AP history teachers for their thoughts on the redesigns of the three AP history courses. Overall, teachers who responded to our survey said they liked the organization, structure, and content of the new frameworks.

  They also suggested further refinements that would benefit students and teachers. The changes we made in response to this feedback are reflected in the fall 2017 course and exam description for each course. Here are the most important changes and the teacher concerns they address.

  Teachers said:

  “There are too many elements in each AP history course for students to master.”

  Our response:

  We streamlined the AP history disciplinary practices and reasoning skills (previously known as historical thinking skills).

  o Periodization and synthesis are no longer listed as course skills.

  o The practices and skills are now defined in clearer, simpler language and reflect a range of student proficiency levels.

  See the AP history disciplinary practices and reasoning skills.

  We changed the exam design to give teachers and students more clarity about what to expect and more flexibility to support local curricular focus. See the updated specifications for the AP European History, AP U.S. History, and AP World History exams.

  Teachers said:

  “There are too many different tasks for students in the essay questions. Students don’t have enough time to write good essays.”

  Our response:

  We updated Section II of the AP history exams (document-based question and long essay question) and the generic rubrics.

  · The synthesis point has been removed from both rubrics.

  · Students will have 10 more minutes to answer the DBQ and long essay question.

  · A single rubric will now be used for the long essay question.

  · The rubrics describe more clearly what students will need to do to earn each point.

  The 2018 rubrics will be available in early August.


  We reduced the number of AP European History and AP World History learning objectives, making them more useful for teachers in structuring their courses.

  We made minor changes to the AP European History and AP World History concept outlines to more appropriately order the key concepts and align with current scholarship.

  We articulated a new theme for AP European History: National and European Identity. However, no new course content has been added.

  More Information

  The changes are reflected in subject-specific detail in the fall 2017 course and exam descriptions:

  · AP European History Course and Exam Description (.pdf/5.3MB)

  · AP U.S. History Course and Exam Description (.pdf/2.7MB)

  · AP World History Course and Exam Description (.pdf/2.75MB)

  Stay Tuned

  More resources reflecting the updates, including secure practice exams with sample student responses, are being developed to help teachers understand and implement the changes. Also, content and scoring activities in the Teaching and Assessing AP History modules are being revised to reflect the course updates. These resources, along with the updated rubrics for 2018, will become available in the coming months.




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