The definitions of the following terms that are frequently used as prompts in free response questions are:
“Show” means to use a diagram to illustrate your answer. Correct labeling of all elements including the axes of the diagram is necessary to receive full credit.
“Explain” means to take the reader through all of the steps or linkages in the line of economic reasoning. Graphs and symbols are acceptable as part of the explanation.
“Identify” means to provide a specific answer that might be a list or a label on a graph, without any explanation or elaboration.
“Calculate” means to use mathematical operations to determine a specific numerical response, along with providing your work.
When answering the Microeconomics or Macroeconomics free response questions, a student should respond clearly and concisely. Paragraphs or even full-sentence responses is not always necessary; however, it is important to address the verb prompts. A written response that presents conflicting answers is likely to lead to the loss of points.
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